518 StarCool Alarm Codes And Actions

518  FC inrush
Description FC Inrush Fault Alarm
Cause Indication of problems with supply voltage
Possible causes:

  • The FC has had too many restarts within short time.
  • CIM5: Manual activation of contactor (K8) on/off too many times.
  • CIM6: Manual activation of contactor (K1) on/off too many times.
  • Loose power connection for the FC.
  • Loose FC-com cable for communication with the FC.
  • Defective FC.

Trouble shooting:

  1. Try to correct the error by uploading the latest software version to the controller.
  2. Verify that supply power for the unit is stable and within specification.
  3. Check the FC-com cable for damages and loose connection.
  4. Check supply power cables for the FC.
  5. The FC may be defective and should be replaced.

If no FC replacement is available, the unit can be rewired for emergency

operation: See “Emergency Operation”
Criteria May occur if FC is activated too many times during a one minute period (the primary side). FC has been switched on/off more than twice within 1 minute.