973 StarCool Alarm Codes And Actions

973 SUP6 SPM6 sup LO
Description Supply voltage SUP6 SPM6 low
Cause Indication of controller voltage reference fault
Possible causes:
  • Defective 12V power supply on main controller.
  • Defective main controller.
  • Short circuit on SUP6 SPM6
Accompanied alarms:
  • There may be sensor alarms (AL302)
  • AL 801 will be activated during FT- or PTI test.
Trouble shooting:
  1. Check if there are other active (sensor) alarms (AL 971 and or AL 972) Clear these alarms fi rst using their trouble shooting.
  2. Access the “special menu” by pressing "spanner icon" for more than 3 sec. Scroll down until you see the label “SUP6 SPM6” in the display. The value of “U SUP6 SPM6“ should be in the range between 11 and 14V DC. 
  3. While displaying “U SUP6 SPM6“, remove the connector at X9. − If “U SUP6 SPM6” is now inside the correct above range (11 – 14V DC), the display and or power module is defective. Test with another display and or power module. − If “U SUP6 SPM6” is still outside the above range, proceed to next step.
  4. While displaying “U SUP6 SPM6“, disconnect display and or power module from the terminals according to wiring schematics inside in the control cabinet. − If “U SUP6 SPM6” is now inside the above range the cable for the display and or power module is defective. Mount connector correctly or replace connector cable for display and or power module. − If the correct voltage is measured at X11 then circuit is defective.
Replace the main controller.
Criteria Reference voltage U sensor bus below 11V DC

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