Code No. | Display Text | Description |
102 | Tret invalid | Return Air Temperature Sensor Invalid |
105 | Tsup 1 invalid | Supply Air Temperature Sensor 1 Invalid |
108 | Tsup 2 invalid | Supply Air Temperature Sensor 2 Invalid |
111 | Tusda 1 out of range | USDA 1 Temperature Sensor Invalid |
114 | Tusda 2 out of range | USDA 2 Temperature Sensor Invalid |
117 | Tusda 3 out of range | USDA 2 Temperature Sensor Invalid |
120 | Tcargo out of range | Cargo Temperature Sensor Invalid |
123 | Tevap invalid | Evaporator Temperature Sensor Invalid |
126 | Tsuc invalid | Suction Temperature Sensor Invalid |
129 | Tamb invalid | Ambient Temperature Sensor Invalid |
146 | Check system | Reliability calculation signals something is wrong |
147 | System trouble | When reliability has been bad and became good again |
148 | Tsup error | Supply air temperature error |
203 | Pdis invalid | Compressor Discharge Pressure Transmitter Invalid |
207 | Psuc invalid | Compressor Suction Pressure Transmitter Invalid |
250 | Config Psuc/Pdis | Wrong Suction Pressure Transmitter |
302 | RH invalid | Relative Humidity Sensor Invalid |
303 | AirEx invalid | Air Exchange Sensor Short Circuit |
306 | HPS switch - K1 | High pressure switch is active |
314 | Replace CO2 sensor | Replace CO2 sensor |
315 | Replace O2 sensor | Replace O2 sensor |
400 | Mevap 1 over heat | Evaporator Motor 1 overheat |
401 | Mevap 2 over heat | Evaporator Motor 2 overheat |
402 | Mcond over heat | Condenser Motor overheat |
415 | Over voltage | U1-2 and U1-3 and U2-3 overvoltage |
418 | Under voltage | U1-2 and U1-3 and U2-3 undervoltage |
421 | Over current | I1-2 and I1-3 and I2-3 overcurrent |
423 | No phase direction | Phase Direction Not Detectable |
424 | Power frequency | Phase Frequency Error |
425 | Frequency too high | Power Frequency too high |
429 | U/f ratio | Bad power supply |
430 | Cpr connection | Power Cable From FC to Compressor Faulty |
501 | FC local control | FC Local Mode Fault |
508 | Compr connection | FC Short Circuit Fault Alarm |
509 | FC 24 V fault | FC Internal 24 V Supply Fault Alarm |
510 | Compr connection | FC Earth Fault Alarm |
511 | Compr over current | FC Overcurrent Fault Alarm |
513 | Compr overload | FC Overload Fault Alarm |
514 | Invalid power sup | FC Voltage Low Fault Alarm |
515 | Invalid power sup | FC Voltage High Fault Alarm |
516 | FC supply error | FC Phase Loss Fault Alarm |
517 | FC over temp | FC Over temperature Fault Alarm |
518 | FC inrush FC Inrush | Fault Alarm |
519 | FC internal error | FC Internal Error Fault Alarm |
521 | FC high volt | FC High Voltage Fault Warning |
522 | FC high temp | FC Over temperature Fault Warning |
523 | FC phase loss | FC Phase Loss Fault Warning |
524 | FC current limit | FC Current Limit Fault Warning |
525 | FC overload | FC Overload Fault Warning |
529 | FC setup error | FC Setup Fault Warning |
566 | FC undefined alarm |
FC Undefi ned Alarm |
599 | FC Trip Lock | FC has tripped and stopped |
600 | No control sensors | Supply Air Sensor 1, Supply Air Sensor 2, Return Air Sensor All Malfunctioning |
601 | No water cooling | Water-cooling fault |
602 | Tset unreachable | Tset Unreachable. (Not implemented yet) |
603 | In range fault | In-range Fault |
604 | High press trouble | High Pressure Safety Switch is active |
607 | AirEx open | Air exchange valve open in conflict with settings |
609 | Defrost Trouble | Defrost is running |
610 | Defrost time exceed | Max. defrost time exceeded |
611 | Too many sensor err | Too many (controlling) sensors have errors |
612 | FC trouble | There have been several FC alarms within short time |
613 | Motor trouble | Evaporator fan motor 1 or 2 or condenser fan motor overheated several times |
614 | Humidity deactivated | Humidity control deactivated |
620 | Cpr start failed | - |
621 | Cpr restarted | The compressor has been restarted |
625 | CT outrange | Cold Treatment out of range |
630 | Manual phase dir | Manually Selected Phase Direction |
631 | Fuse blown | Blown Fuse for fan motors and heaters |
632 | Phase missing | Phase missing |
700 | FC missing | FC Missing |
710 | Display missing (Seen in Star View) | No communication with display |
711 | Display com (Seen in Star View) | Reduced communication with display (Not yet implemented) |
720 | Power module missing | No communication |
721 | Power module com | Reduced communication power module (Not yet implemented) |
730 | RH sensor missing | RH sensor communication missing |
731 | RH sensor com | RH sensor communication reduced (Not yet implemented) |
800 | Func test failed | Function Test Fault |
801 | Controller | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
805 | Idle current | Unit idle overcurrent fault |
810 | Mevap cur LO speed | Evaporator motor low speed current fault |
811 | Mevap cur HI speed | Evaporator motor high speed current fault |
812 | Mevap current OFF | Evaporator Motor Off Current Fault |
813 | Not implemented yet | - |
815 | Mcond cur LO speed | Condenser Motor Low Speed Current Fault |
816 | Mcond cur HI speed | Condenser Motor High Speed Current Fault |
817 | Mcond current OFF | Condenser Motor Off Current Fault |
820 | Hevap current ON | Evaporator Heater On Current Fault |
821 | Hevap current OFF | Evaporator Heater Off Current Fault |
840 | Valve leaks | Valve Leak Fault |
842 | Expansion valve | Expansion Valve Fault |
843 | Economizer valve | Economizer Valve Fault |
844 | Hot gas valve | Hot gas Valve Fault |
845 | Cpr pump down | Compressor pump down fault |
846 | FC Check | Internal fault in FC |
847 | High press switch | Internal fault in FC |
848 | Temp press invalid | Internal fault in FC |
849 | Valve error | Internal fault in FC |
850 | PTI test failed | PTI Test Fault |
855 | PTI Tset 5 | PTI 5°C Set Fault |
860 | PTI Tset 0 | PTI 0°C Set Fault |
870 | PTI Defrost Fault | - |
880 | PTI Tset -18 | PTI –18°C Set Fault |
900 | User stop | User stop was executed from PC-program |
902 | Battery malfunction | Battery Malfunctioning |
904 | Datalog error | SCCU6 Data log Fault |
905 | Database corrupt | SCCU6 Database Faulty |
907 | Real-time error | Real-time Clock Unreliable |
908 | Real-time invalid | Real-time Clock Unavailable |
910 | Main power failure | Main Power Fault |
911 | Battery voltage LO | Low Battery Voltage |
912 | Battery voltage HI | High Battery Voltage |
953 | Temp ref 1 LO | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
954 | Temp ref 1 HI | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
955 | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault | Temp ref 2 LO |
956 | Temp ref 2 HI | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
961 | Pdis sens sup LO | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
962 | Pdis sens sup HI | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
963 | Psuc sens sup LO | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
964 | Psuc sens sup HI | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
965 | Controller sup LO | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
966 | Controller sup HI | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
967 | Motor pos sup LO | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
968 | Motor pos sup HI | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
969 | AirEx sens sup LO | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
970 | AirEx sens sup HI | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
971 | Sensor bus sup LO | Supply voltage sensor bus low |
972 | Sensor bus sup HI | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
973 | SUP6 SPM6 sup LO | Supply voltage SUP6 SPM6 low |
974 | Sensor bus sup HI | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
980 | Tinternal LO | Controller Internal Voltage Reference Fault |
981 | Tinternal HI | Controller Internal Temperature Sensor High Temperature Fault |
989 | Software test ver | Software test version |
990 | Firmware update fail | Failed to activate firmware |
996 | Software CRC error | Prom CRC Fault |
997 | Eeprom error | EEPROM fault |
StarCool Alarm Codes
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